









名古屋芸術大学大学院在学中、アートプロジェクトにおいて名古屋芸術大学フィルハーモニー管弦楽団とチャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲をレコーディングする。愛知芸術劇場にてスクリャービンのピアノ協奏曲を演奏し、ライブ録音がApple Music を始めとした各種サブスクリプションにリリースされる。


また、ベルリン在住のトーンマイスターである、フローリアン・B・シュミット氏と同大学サウンドメディア・コンポジションコースとレコーディングを行い、ラフマニノフとメトネル、ババジャニアンを収めたアルバム ”In Memory of- Rachmaninov, Medtner, Babadjanian, and…"をリリース。






 名古屋芸術大学東京分室契約助手及びMPA音楽院講師、横浜市泉区民文化センター テアトルフォンテ・レジデンスアーティスト。

Yusuke Azuma was born in Tokyo. At the age of seven, he began the piano and sevral years later he learned also horn and organ. With the guidance of Prof. Takahiro Hoshino at Toho-Gakuen Music Academy for Children, he decided to become a musician at age of thirteen.

He graduated Ueno Gakuen University and Nagoya University of Arts at the top, and received „Chairman Prize”. While still in college, he was appearing many concerts including solo recitals, concerto with orchestra in Tokyo and Nagoya, and released a live recording as a digital album.

Now he is currently studying at Toho-Gakuen University, Soloist-Diploma course.

In 2019, He won the 1st prize in “The 4th Paderewski international competition in Farmington CT”(U.S). This result was appreciated in one of the important Japanese music journals “Chopin”. Furthermore he received several prize in Japan; “ Takarazuka Vega Music Competition “(2nd prize and audiences prize), “Romania International Music Competition”(3rd prize), “Beethoven international piano competition ASIA”(4th prize, special prize) and “Simoda international music competition”(2nd prize).

He also participated many masterclasses by great professors including Frenc Rados, Jacques Rouvier, and Paul Badura=skoda.